A cornice is a decorative architectural feature that is typically found at the top edge of a building's exterior wall. It can also be found on furniture or interior design elements. The cornice is often made of wood, stone, or plaster, and its design can vary widely depending on the building style and time period. Cornices can add visual interest and a finished look to a building, and may also serve functional purposes such as directing rainwater away from the building's facade.
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Cornices can be made of various materials, such as concrete, stone, metal or wood, depending on the design and construction of the building. They can also be decorative features that enhance the appearance of the building's exterior.
In addition to its functional and aesthetic benefits, the use of cornices in wall structures can also help to reduce maintenance costs by minimizing the amount of water that comes into contact with the wall surface. Cornices can also serve as a transition between different architectural styles or elements, such as at the junction between a roof and a wall.

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